Any sensory stimuli below an individual threshold for conscious perception. Basically they are messages that stays below your consciousness are subliminals. They are hidden messages that can be detected with your subconscious mind but not your conscious mind. Your subconscious grasps everything that's mentioned and effecting you accordingly.
So your brain has billions of neurons and they are connected in 3 dimensional patterns. Each have possibility to connect to other hundreds of other neurons and every connection is something new that you learn. Basically your exposed to so many different things and you can choose to interpret things consciously. For example I'm just looking at the laptop and writing this but I am seeing everything but only processing specific parts of it but I'm subconsciously aware of everything. Brain only process what it think is necessary information the other information is store in your subconscious.

So where are subliminal used and for what?? Basically subliminal can be about something good or something evil. Subluminal are usually used in advertisement and songs. This have a strong effect and grasp what is offered in the subliminal. This kind of messages can be used to strengthen the persuasiveness of advertisement or to convey an altogether messages to your brain which is only detected and accepted by your subconscious without you realizing.

Well the way I see subliminal is that it can also be dangerous as it can be used to convey wrong messages which is often put into use in many songs.  New research shows that subliminal messaging is at its most powerful when it arouses a negative reaction. The result can be a subsequent influence on thoughts, behavior or actions.
Back masking can be used to detect such subliminal in a song. I will give you all adetail about back masking in my next blog.

Ever found yourself struck with a creative idea while bathing? Well You’re not alone. You’re just one of the millions who has experienced what’s popularly known as a shower thought. Consider your surroundings is  warm and comforting. It’s a place of relaxation where you can feel free to let your mind wander and amidst the smells of your favorite shampoos and soap. And  suddenly you realize that you've come up with a totally unique way of thinking Research shows you’re more likely to have a creative thought when you’re doing something monotonous, like fishing, exercising, or showering. Since these activities don’t require much thought, you flip to autopilot. This frees up your unconscious to work on something else. This kind of day dreaming relaxes the prefrontal cortex (the brain’s command center for decisions, goals, and behavior). It also switches on the rest of your brain’s “default mode network” (DMN). With your cortex loosened up and your DMN switched on, you can make new, creative ideas.

That’s why the ideas you have in the shower are so different from the ideas you have at work .You are more close-minded at the office. Thinking out of the box and let your thoughts wander boosts your prefrontal cortex’s control. This isn’t a bad thing as it enhances your focus. But it can also dig you into a state of creative thinking. 

Strangely, your brain is not most active when you’re focused on a task. Rather, research shows it’s more active when you let it think comfortably  and allow it to wander. Shelley Carson at Harvard found that highly creative people share one amazing trait—they’re easily distracted. And that’s the beauty of a warm shower. It distracts you. It makes you defocus. It lets your brain roam. It activates your DMN and encourages creative ideas to bounce around, and so your light bulb switch's on.

 The Marshmallow test has helped stimulate a remarkable wave of research on self-control. The MARSHMALLOW TEST  in which a child is asked to choose between a larger treat such as two marshmallows and a smaller treat such as one marshmallow.The child learns that to obtain that treat it is necessary to wait for the experimenter to return.Thus, the smaller treat is available now, but the larger treat requires waiting. To get the larger treat the child must resist the temptation to get an immediate

That experimental situation has proven very useful both in demonstrating the importance of the ability to delay gratification and in identifying strategies that make it possible for children to delay gratification. Children who were best able to wait in that situation are more socially and academically successful .The situation  also revealed that middle and high school students who can wait a week for a reward earn higher grades, show less problem behaviour in school, and are less likely to use cigarettes, or drugs.

 Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which body makes an abnormal form and lack haemoglobin. However, haemoglobin is a red pigment (protein) in red blood cells that transports oxygen around the body. The disorder results in large number of (RBC) being destroyed , which leads to anemia.

The treatment for Thalassemia major involves lifelong regular blood transfusion. But the only medical cure for homozygous Thalassemia is to transplant bone marrow from an HLA- identical donor who is normal or capable of producing and maintaining a normal haemoglobin level in the recipient.

The doctor makes a small incision, and inserts a needle through the bone and into the bone marrow. Using a syringe attached to the needle, the doctor withdraws a sample of liquid portion of bone marrow. You may feel a brief sharp pain or stinging.

Recently in India , baby Kavya, a year old girl bone marrow was transplanted to her brother who was suffering from Thalassemia major.This is the first case in India when an HLA matching  baby was born through IVF specifically to save the Thalassemia major sibling. She successfully saved her brothers life but risked her own. She went through a lot of pain and began to feel weak.Baby is now known as the India’s first saviour sibling.

My question from you is : A country which already lacks implementation of law and regulation especially connected to the medical procedures should be encouraged for such treatments ????????????????

Is it ethical to bring a child to life just to save his/ her sibling and risk the their own lives ?????????????   

Is it ethical to make a minor go through such a painful procedure???????? And without their consent ?????


The social Dilemma is a 1hr 34min documentary on Netflix. This documentary explores the impact of social networking on humans. With tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creation.

Thought proving, disturbing and ultimately a call to action the social dilemma and the groups behind it expose the turning point in our interaction with technology , which we are not at all naïve of.

The social dilemma is a documentary you’ll watch and immediately would want to toss your phone in the garbage can and then toss a garbage can through a window at face book.

It’s an eye opening look into the way social media is design to create addiction and address our behavior. It also provide a detail view on other problems including fake news, election security concerns , polarization and many more.

 “Fake news spread six time faster than true news “ said one of the expert.

Tim Kendall , a former president of pinterest admits that years ago “I couldn’t get of my phone  despite having 2 kids”. “I was addicted and couldn’t help myself”.

 “Social media is a drug” said another.

 “What I want people to know is  what they are doing online is being watched, is being tracked every single action you take is carefully monitored” said by other.

These words surprised me the most“The people controlling the social media know your personality ,they know your interests they even know whether you are an introvert or extrovert”.

 “Social media starts to dig deeper and deeper down into the brain stem and take over kid’s sense of self worth and identity” said another explaining the disadvantages.

I highly recommend everyone to watch this documentary and show it to your kids too inorder to spread awareness.

Here's the trailer if you want to check it out:

 Reopening of school during covid 19 is very risky. Parents are confused and disagree to send their kids to school. Well they are not the ones to blame but on the other hand kids have already wasted alot of time and need to catch up on their studies. IN contrast the seniors can follow SOPs but it would be difficult for toddlers to do so. This has resulted in complete confusion. 606 cases are reported after the reopening of schools already.

The policy of going school at the alternative days is another problem because it will be difficult to maintain a routine for students. Instead the school days should be consecutive.

I strongly suggest that the work for the students below matriculation and o levels should be assignment based. The toddlers from pre-school to 5 should not go to school because they can be carrier and pass the virus to their parents.

         LAHORE, 10th of September: A Pakistani woman was allegedly gang-raped in front of three of her children.The woman was driving on the Lahore-sailkot motorway on Wednesday when her car stopped near Gujrapura the police said it was due to shortage of petrol or some fault.In the FIR, she said that she was waiting for her relative to pick her and her children from the spot when two armed robbers smashed her car window and attacked her.

The woman said she contacted the helpline 130 but she was informed that the service was not available.

CCPO Sheikh Omar, however, said “I am shocked… she, a mother of three, and the only driver late at night should have taken the GT  Road instead, which is densely populated,” he said. Therefore, Political leaders, civil society and rights activists have convicted the incident and blamed the Punjab government for its failure to ensure law and order in the province.

So sorry but this is a very irresponsible statement given by CCPO. What are you trying to elaborate?Should a responsible citizen and importantly should an official give such a irresponsible statement rather than focusing on the safety and to find the culprit.Are you trying to say that any woman who is driving on the motorway at night will be raped ?Is she not EVEN safe in her own country EVEN in her own car?WHY?What is her fault ?Is it because she is a female?AND let me remind you not only woman but even 5-7 year olds girl/boys,teenage boys,transgenders,teenage girls are also not safe.

So sad to say but we all have failed !!!!!!

In many countries of the world the punishment of such act is public execution like Iran,China,Afghanistan,Saudia Arabia.In Afghanistan the rapist is hanged within four days.My question is why in Islamic Jamuria Pakistan rapist can't be executed publicly?We demand a very dreadful death he should be hanged in front of people so they can throw stones at him and bleed him to death.Now that's what will hopefully discourage criminals for performing such disgusting acts.


Elon Musk who is a south African entrepreneur and is known for finding the Tesla motors and space x promised a big thing which sounded almost impossible and weird to some people. He said  in a conference in California that he is working on a chip called neuralink which would be implanted in human brain and with the help of that we could directly communicate with our brain.

Our brains are made with millions of neurons cells with long spindly arms that send messages by electrical spikes those spikes and electricity travel between neurons in a chain reaction sending messages to the part of our brain that control speech or movement .When you move your arm that action started as an electrical spike up your brain.How neuralink plans to read those electrical  spikes ? According to neuralink your brain cells are kind of  electrical wiring and rather than just having neurons sending electrical signals.Those signals could be send and received by a chip.

Elon Musk unveiled neuralinks implantable brain chip the version 0.9 it’s a brain computer interface to be implanted directly into the brain by a surgical robot.So basically you just remove a coin sized piece from your skull and when the chips is in you can just walk around right afterwards.The chip plugs into your brain directly by tiny microscopic threads and they connect with the neurons in your brain to receive and send electrical signals importantly neuralink says these electrodes wont damage your brain if they are inserted very carefully.

The chip has all-day battery life, wireless charging and its designed to wirelessly connect to your phone via Bluetooth with a range of 5 to 10 meters.

The surgery will start of expensive but Elon Musk said that it would eventually hopefully cost a couple of 1000 dollars.

Elon Musk did an experiment on 3 pigs with a chip in one of them.You can hear the neurons of the pig

It is also observed that the chip was predicting the pigs movement based on brains activity which was almost correct.

Neuralink chips can measure temperature, pressure and movement, data that could warn you about a heart attack or stroke, Musk said. The technology could help with neurological disorders, which are rooted in the inability of the brain to connect with nerves around the body. These include epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease, but also paraplegia and quadriplegia following injuries to spinal nerves.It would also help with paralysis and blindness.

In an evil film if an evil corporation or government want to follow you they slip a tracking device onto your car or shoes etc. Of course now we carry smartphones everywhere.A personal GPS beacon makes it easier for people to know what your up to whether that's your mum,your friend or your boss.And not just google know where you are right now but also where you have been over the past week, over the past month or the past year and how long you have been there.This could have a massive impact on your life.

Lets start with the IPhone. This screen on your Iphone available in the settings app of your phone shows where you have been in the past few days.Try it for yourself.Many apps want your location too and you can't necessarily trust what they say they are doing.For example in April 2014 snap chat was told off by the US federal trade commission because they were sucking people's location without their consent and its exactly the same on googles phone.A free app called brightest flashlight on android demanded access to your location.People assumed it was something to do with knowing if it was dark where you were. In fact it was to serve location-based ads.The FTC wrapped them for deceptive practices too.And apps just don't only want your location they want access to your contacts,your calendar,your microphone,the phone's camera and even email so they can build their social networks,Salyut targeted ads or simply sell that data to another company and who knows where it will be used.

Today I am going to share weird experiences of people that took place when they entered the Dark Web.
One of them said:
                     "Someone told me i could find anything i want on the Dark Web, i was looking for Cher Concert Bootlegs and all i found was drugs".
Another one said:
                     "I found a site on Dark Web where I found a comprehensive guide on how to cock women".
 Some one said: 
                      "I found comic books,still in plastic sealing,perfectly legit except the entire back page directly inside the cover was a sheet of LSD".
Another one told:
                        "I downloaded TOR and within 20 minutes i got a phone call but there was no one there and it hung up after 10 seconds".
A guy said: 
               "I found someone selling a "wish pill".Basically you take the pill and its supposed to make your wish come true".
Someone told: 
                   "I was going through the dark web and i was searching for games when i found a game called "SAD SATAN" Basically your character navigates a maze of super creepy long hallways, occasionally encountering seemingly random black and white photos".
Another one told:
                         "The Dark Web is filled with scammers first they pose a deal,accept your bitcoin and never deliver your drugs".
Have you ever wonder why our government or state bank of Pakistan cannot print currency and get rich and easily remove poverty?
We will find the answer to that but lets first discuss what currency actually is.In past people used barter system.But because this system was not that reliable so gold coins were invented to use as a way to exchange after which paper currency was invented.The bank told people to give their gold coins to them and recieve paper money which they would be able to use as a currency.
Today the government is free and can print as much many as they want to but why they dont?Let me give you an example,so in 2002 Zimbabwe's president thought that he had to pay the pending money so why not he print money and pay the pending money.At the start of 2008 everyone in the country was a millionaire and because having this much money no one was willing to work.Obviously if someone would have that much many why would they go to work and tire themselves.This resulted in reduction in the production and the prices increased after every 24 hours.The demand of things were high and production was low.The prices were this much high that the government had to print notes of 100 trillion.To buy a bread people used to pay a car full of money.The currency value dropped.After which the government told people to burn all the money they had because there was no value of that money.They started to use foreign currencies like dollar and euros and it is still used today.If a country prints more money it would result in inflation.That is the reason why banks print a limited amount of money.

Sleep paralysis is a momentary alertness but loss of voluntary muscle that occurs when your just about to sleep or when your about to wake up.It can last anywhere from 20 seconds to a few minutes and it affects about 8% of the general population.There are two types of sleep paralysis: Hypnagogic and Hypnapompic. Some of the common sensations and emotions associated with sleep paralysis are:an awareness of the surroundings but inability to move,a sense of physical weight and pressure on chest,difficulty breathing or a choking feeling,hallucinations or a sensed presence,a sense of fear or dread.Some people even describe hearing footsteps getting closer,seeing intruders,demons and spirits and feeling as if they are about to die.
Although there is no physical danger to the person experiencing sleep paralysis.They cannot pull themselves out of it and must wait for it to pass.
Sleep paralysis is different from nightmares or night terrors and that the brain is awake but the body is in a sleep state and cannot move.The most interesting thing is that it dates back to the 10th century.In fact people from many cultures have used sleep paralysis as a way to explain supernatural events and beings such as witchcraft,ghosts and alien abduction.
If someone is born with a disease,normally it is a problem for them because they cannot live a normal life.But there are some people in this world who have diseases which give them superpowers. However they don't harm the person but makes them even stronger.We will discuss 5 of these diseases which are almost like superpowers.
1-Myostatin -related muscle hypertrophy;.A child named lioum who was living in America had this disease.The doctors couldnt identify what was wrong with the child.By the age of 3 he used to lift dumbbells weighing 5 pounds. He could even do chin ups which at that age most children couldn't. He had 40 percent more mass than normal kids do.But he didnt had any negative effects on his body.This disease was first time seen on a Belgian blue cattle cow.The muscles of the cow were growing really fast.
2-Totally fearless;Living without any fear is a fear itself.But this is the case with a boy named Jordiac.He had to go through an operation due to some bone problem.During his operation, the doctors took his Adrenalin glands.This is the gland that makes us realize that we are not safe and sends our brain message according to the situation.This is the reason Jordiac never felt scared of anything in his life.
3-Hyperthymesia;In this disease the patient have stronger neutrons and can remember everything happened in their past.The people who have this disease never forget what they see even if they see it once.This disease is discovered in 8 people all over the world.
4-No feel of pain;People with this disease don't feel any pain.Only 40 people in this world have this disease.Actually because of problem in structure of neurons the message of pain can't be send to the brain.
5-Savant Syndrome;After damaging the person this disease gives them something extra ordinary.People who have this disease are mostly really good at music,arts,mathematical calculations and graphic designing.The people who have this disease have an extra ordinary brain.A British artist named Stephen Wiltshire has this disease.He was given a helicopter ride over London just once after which he made a 3D model of London with only his memory and skills.

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