Gang Rape Of Woman On Motorway

         LAHORE, 10th of September: A Pakistani woman was allegedly gang-raped in front of three of her children.The woman was driving on the Lahore-sailkot motorway on Wednesday when her car stopped near Gujrapura the police said it was due to shortage of petrol or some fault.In the FIR, she said that she was waiting for her relative to pick her and her children from the spot when two armed robbers smashed her car window and attacked her.

The woman said she contacted the helpline 130 but she was informed that the service was not available.

CCPO Sheikh Omar, however, said “I am shocked… she, a mother of three, and the only driver late at night should have taken the GT  Road instead, which is densely populated,” he said. Therefore, Political leaders, civil society and rights activists have convicted the incident and blamed the Punjab government for its failure to ensure law and order in the province.

So sorry but this is a very irresponsible statement given by CCPO. What are you trying to elaborate?Should a responsible citizen and importantly should an official give such a irresponsible statement rather than focusing on the safety and to find the culprit.Are you trying to say that any woman who is driving on the motorway at night will be raped ?Is she not EVEN safe in her own country EVEN in her own car?WHY?What is her fault ?Is it because she is a female?AND let me remind you not only woman but even 5-7 year olds girl/boys,teenage boys,transgenders,teenage girls are also not safe.

So sad to say but we all have failed !!!!!!

In many countries of the world the punishment of such act is public execution like Iran,China,Afghanistan,Saudia Arabia.In Afghanistan the rapist is hanged within four days.My question is why in Islamic Jamuria Pakistan rapist can't be executed publicly?We demand a very dreadful death he should be hanged in front of people so they can throw stones at him and bleed him to death.Now that's what will hopefully discourage criminals for performing such disgusting acts.


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