Weird things happened to people who visited the dark web

Today I am going to share weird experiences of people that took place when they entered the Dark Web.
One of them said:
                     "Someone told me i could find anything i want on the Dark Web, i was looking for Cher Concert Bootlegs and all i found was drugs".
Another one said:
                     "I found a site on Dark Web where I found a comprehensive guide on how to cock women".
 Some one said: 
                      "I found comic books,still in plastic sealing,perfectly legit except the entire back page directly inside the cover was a sheet of LSD".
Another one told:
                        "I downloaded TOR and within 20 minutes i got a phone call but there was no one there and it hung up after 10 seconds".
A guy said: 
               "I found someone selling a "wish pill".Basically you take the pill and its supposed to make your wish come true".
Someone told: 
                   "I was going through the dark web and i was searching for games when i found a game called "SAD SATAN" Basically your character navigates a maze of super creepy long hallways, occasionally encountering seemingly random black and white photos".
Another one told:
                         "The Dark Web is filled with scammers first they pose a deal,accept your bitcoin and never deliver your drugs".


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