Rare diseases that are almost like superpowers

If someone is born with a disease,normally it is a problem for them because they cannot live a normal life.But there are some people in this world who have diseases which give them superpowers. However they don't harm the person but makes them even stronger.We will discuss 5 of these diseases which are almost like superpowers.
1-Myostatin -related muscle hypertrophy;.A child named lioum who was living in America had this disease.The doctors couldnt identify what was wrong with the child.By the age of 3 he used to lift dumbbells weighing 5 pounds. He could even do chin ups which at that age most children couldn't. He had 40 percent more mass than normal kids do.But he didnt had any negative effects on his body.This disease was first time seen on a Belgian blue cattle cow.The muscles of the cow were growing really fast.
2-Totally fearless;Living without any fear is a fear itself.But this is the case with a boy named Jordiac.He had to go through an operation due to some bone problem.During his operation, the doctors took his Adrenalin glands.This is the gland that makes us realize that we are not safe and sends our brain message according to the situation.This is the reason Jordiac never felt scared of anything in his life.
3-Hyperthymesia;In this disease the patient have stronger neutrons and can remember everything happened in their past.The people who have this disease never forget what they see even if they see it once.This disease is discovered in 8 people all over the world.
4-No feel of pain;People with this disease don't feel any pain.Only 40 people in this world have this disease.Actually because of problem in structure of neurons the message of pain can't be send to the brain.
5-Savant Syndrome;After damaging the person this disease gives them something extra ordinary.People who have this disease are mostly really good at music,arts,mathematical calculations and graphic designing.The people who have this disease have an extra ordinary brain.A British artist named Stephen Wiltshire has this disease.He was given a helicopter ride over London just once after which he made a 3D model of London with only his memory and skills.


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