Two different approaches to life ...

 One is responsible and also accountable for the path they choose in their lives. They are either regarded or criticized based on that decision. One can choose to live a life of mediocrity or greatness and meaning. The range of possibilities that exist between these two destinations is as wide as the diversity of the gifts and personalities in the human family.

The path to mediocrity straitjackets human potential. Whereas the path to greatness unleashes and realizes human potential. The path to mediocrity is the quick-fix, shortcut approach to life. The path of greatness is a process of sequential growth from the inside out.

All of us can consciously decide to leave behind a life of mediocrity and to live a life of greatness-at home, at work and in the community. No matter what our circumstances may be , such a decision can be made by every one of us- whether that greatness is manifest by choosing to have a magnificent spirit in facing an incurable disease, by simply making a difference in the life of a child, giving that child a sense of worth and potential, by becoming a change-catalyst inside an organization, or by becoming an initiator of a great cause in society. We all have the power to decide to live a great life, or even simpler, to have not only a good day instead a great day. No matter how long we've walked life's pathway to mediocrity, we can always choose to switch paths. ALWAYS. ITS NEVER TOO LATE. WE CAN FIND OUR VOICE....




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