What are Subliminals??

Any sensory stimuli below an individual threshold for conscious perception. Basically they are messages that stays below your consciousness are subliminals. They are hidden messages that can be detected with your subconscious mind but not your conscious mind. Your subconscious grasps everything that's mentioned and effecting you accordingly.
So your brain has billions of neurons and they are connected in 3 dimensional patterns. Each have possibility to connect to other hundreds of other neurons and every connection is something new that you learn. Basically your exposed to so many different things and you can choose to interpret things consciously. For example I'm just looking at the laptop and writing this but I am seeing everything but only processing specific parts of it but I'm subconsciously aware of everything. Brain only process what it think is necessary information the other information is store in your subconscious.

So where are subliminal used and for what?? Basically subliminal can be about something good or something evil. Subluminal are usually used in advertisement and songs. This have a strong effect and grasp what is offered in the subliminal. This kind of messages can be used to strengthen the persuasiveness of advertisement or to convey an altogether messages to your brain which is only detected and accepted by your subconscious without you realizing.

Well the way I see subliminal is that it can also be dangerous as it can be used to convey wrong messages which is often put into use in many songs.  New research shows that subliminal messaging is at its most powerful when it arouses a negative reaction. The result can be a subsequent influence on thoughts, behavior or actions.
Back masking can be used to detect such subliminal in a song. I will give you all adetail about back masking in my next blog.


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