The marshmallow test

 The Marshmallow test has helped stimulate a remarkable wave of research on self-control. The MARSHMALLOW TEST  in which a child is asked to choose between a larger treat such as two marshmallows and a smaller treat such as one marshmallow.The child learns that to obtain that treat it is necessary to wait for the experimenter to return.Thus, the smaller treat is available now, but the larger treat requires waiting. To get the larger treat the child must resist the temptation to get an immediate

That experimental situation has proven very useful both in demonstrating the importance of the ability to delay gratification and in identifying strategies that make it possible for children to delay gratification. Children who were best able to wait in that situation are more socially and academically successful .The situation  also revealed that middle and high school students who can wait a week for a reward earn higher grades, show less problem behaviour in school, and are less likely to use cigarettes, or drugs.


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