Tourette  syndrome is a disorder that involves repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics). Tic's typically show up between ages 2 and 15. Tics are quick and non-rhythmic movements or vocalizations that happen over and over. The fact that these movements are repeated in inappropriate conditions is why they are considered abnormal. It has to be repetitive (over and over ) , stereotyped ( happens the same way each time) and also involuntary (incontrollable). Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop Tourette syndrome.

Tourette syndrome diagnostic criteria include :

-2 distinct motor tics and 1 vocal tic present at some point though not necessarily at the same time.

-Tics must be present for 1 year and before age 18.

The exact cause of Tourette syndrome is unknow , however scientists have found genetic (or inherited) and environmental links . More specifically, there are genetic combinations that lead to the abnormal development of certain brain areas like the basal ganglia and frontal cortex , which also has atypical connections to one another. In addition, disturbances in certain neurotransmitters systems like dopamine and serotonin lead to communication problems between nerve cells. Collectively, these abnormalities lead to an uncomfortable feeling in a body part, known as a premonitory urge ,that the person with Tourette gets rid of by ticking.

Although there's no cure for Tourette syndrome, treatments are available. Many people with Tourette syndrome don't need treatment when symptoms aren't troublesome. Tics often lessen or become controlled after the teen years.

Here is a video explaining how life is for someone suffering with severe Tourette syndrome.

 Tiktok has been banned in Pakistan several times due to its "vulgar" and "inappropriate" content. However , the users are also considered to be uneducated and talentless by some. 

An incident took place on the 14th of August ( independence day of Pakistan ) where a tiktoker Ayesha Akram was attacked by 400 men who not only tortured her but picked her up , abused her and ripped off her clothes.

Police registered the crime under sections 345 A, 382, 147 and 149 of the Pakistan Penal Code. This accuses the men of assault, theft after restraint, rioting and unlawful assembly.

Officials have also ordered police to take immediate legal action against the men. “The suspects should be traced with the help of the footage,” Lahore police said.

“Those who violated women’s honour and harassed them will be brought within the ambit of the law,” they added.

She claimed she was not wearing any vulgar clothes and didn't had inappropriate content , however some people  believed that her content was vulgar.

Some also claimed that it was her meet and greet where this event took place. Some people believed that it was her fault and that she wasn't sensible enough to go to a place with nearly 400 men and no women. Some consider the men faulty who showed such behavior.

I believe it was a flaw from  both the sides , first of all the women shouldn't have posted vulgar content  keeping her society in view neither should she go out alone in a crowd full of men.

Irrespective of the womens fault , no one gives men the right to behave in such a disrespectful manner. The video clip outburst shame and humiliation.

Due to the incident that took place with a single women w (We condemn that no one has the right to get in physical contact with anyone) but also this very incident can not pose a question mark on CHARACTER OF OUR NATION !

Pakistan is a country with rich women empowerment where women can be seen working with dignity in every walk of life , AND THIS CAN NOT BE CHANGED BY SUCH AN EVENT ! 

 Country is responsible for your security as long as you cooperate , but your safety should be your priority !

 This creepy story took place on 31, May 2014 , when three 12 year olds had a nightstay. Two of them , Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser lured their best friend Payton Leuther into the woods and stabbed her 19 times in an attempt to become proxies of a fictional character , SLENDER MAN.

The victim crawled to the road where she was found and taken to the hospital and now she is safe. When the two girls were interviewed , they seemed pretty chill and kinda unconcerned about the whole situation. They were reported to have said that they did it to show the SLENDER MAN that they were worthy enough.

Slender Man is a fictional entity created on the something awful online forums for a 2009 photoshop paranormal image contest. The Slender Man myths were later expanded by a number of other people.

Slender Man is a tall, thin character, with a featureless white face and head. He is depicted as wearing a black suit, and is sometimes shown with tentacles growing out of his back. According to the Slender Man myths, the entity can cause amnesia, bouts of coughing, and paranoid behavior in individuals. He is often depicted hiding in forests or stalking children.

The actual attack took place in a nearby forest  during a game of hide-and-seek. Leutner was pinned down and stabbed 19 times in the arms, legs, and torso with a five-inch-long  blade. Two wounds were to major organs, one missed a major artery of her heart by less than a millimeter, and another went through her diaphragm, cutting into her liver and stomach.

Payton Leuther in an interview said that she has learned to live with the scars and that its a part of her. She is highly regarded for her bravery.

 One is responsible and also accountable for the path they choose in their lives. They are either regarded or criticized based on that decision. One can choose to live a life of mediocrity or greatness and meaning. The range of possibilities that exist between these two destinations is as wide as the diversity of the gifts and personalities in the human family.

The path to mediocrity straitjackets human potential. Whereas the path to greatness unleashes and realizes human potential. The path to mediocrity is the quick-fix, shortcut approach to life. The path of greatness is a process of sequential growth from the inside out.

All of us can consciously decide to leave behind a life of mediocrity and to live a life of greatness-at home, at work and in the community. No matter what our circumstances may be , such a decision can be made by every one of us- whether that greatness is manifest by choosing to have a magnificent spirit in facing an incurable disease, by simply making a difference in the life of a child, giving that child a sense of worth and potential, by becoming a change-catalyst inside an organization, or by becoming an initiator of a great cause in society. We all have the power to decide to live a great life, or even simpler, to have not only a good day instead a great day. No matter how long we've walked life's pathway to mediocrity, we can always choose to switch paths. ALWAYS. ITS NEVER TOO LATE. WE CAN FIND OUR VOICE....



 The law of attraction is a philosophy that positive thoughts bring positive results whereas negative thoughts bring negative outcomes.

According to the law of attraction, you create your own reality. What you focus on or do is what you draw into your life. It suggests that what you believe will happen in your life.

The law of attraction can be really useful to get what you want.


1- know what you want 

2- surround yourself with positivity 

3-visiulize what you want 

4-be specific

"Like attracts like" is explained and used for the good when you start to become positive ... positive attracts positive !

Many books have been written regarding this for example "THE SECRET" by Rhonda Bryne.

But the real question, Does it actually work? .... it is believed to work by some however for some it is fake.

Despite all the technological and scientific advanced , we have never been more miserable as species. During 2015–2018, 13.2% of adults used antidepressants. Use was higher among women (17.7%) than men (8.4%). The percentage of antidepressant use increased with age, from 7.9% among adults aged 18–39 to 14.4% for those aged 40–59 to 19.0% for those aged 60 and over. Even now it isn't any better.

Why is that so??Even in  a world of tremendous advancement ,why do we live a life of unrest??

Actually, if your observe it , the source of our progress and advancement is also the source of our pain and our suffering. We are a nation of hustle , we are people worrying about the future and not enjoying the present moment.

However, Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity. There are countless advantages of meditation specially in a world like this , it is very useful. -including reduction of stress, controlling anxiety, promotion of mental health, enhance in self-awareness, treating medical conditions and spreading positive energy Meditation is something that helps you improve a wide range of willpower skills, including attention, focus, stress management, impulse control etc.. In addition, It teaches you to enjoy the present moment. It changes both the function and structure of the brain to support self-control.

Keeping this in mind, if you meditate regularly you would start to observe countless positive impacts on your mind and life in general. You would experience much more happiness and peace.

For effective time management , you must be aware of the difference between what's urgent and what's important. In simple words "have to do" and "want to do". Urgent means it requires immediate attention. Urgent things act on us.

Important , on the other hand, has to do with results. We usually react to urgent matters. However, important matters are not urgent and require more proactivity,

There are people who spend a great deal of time in what's "urgent", but not important. They spend most of their times reacting to things that are urgent, assuming they are also important.

People who spend their time on what's not important but urgent or not important nor urgent lead irresponsible lives.

The best way to lead an effective life is to maintain a balance in what u want to do and what u have to do. Suppose you have 6 things in your to-do list , I suggest 3 of them should be dealing with what's urgent whereas the other 3 should be regarding what's important, which basically depends on your priorities. This way you would see a very positive affect on your life and you would see yourself investing your time and energy on something you want to do, this would give you the fulfilling sense of achievement at the end of the day.

-Also referred by Stephen R. Covey in his novel "7 habits of highly effective people".

True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. True happiness is state of mind constantly being in love with yourself. For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things. 

Happiness is the consequence of personal effort".

In order to achieve it you do not need to depend on anyone or anything. Its something you create yourself.

How to be happy when nothing is going right ? The true peace and happiness is only achieved when you are peaceful inside however it doesn't require things to go completely right. In these situations you should focus on the positives and practice gratitude. Once you start being grateful for little things, trust me you will be much happier in your life.

Also, always remember that you are in complete control of your thoughts and feelings. Nothing can affect you until you allow it to do so!!

You might have experienced worrying in some situation although you know that it wont help in solving it. In that situations try to be calm and try to solve the problem effectively. However if its something that you have no control over , then adapt to it happily because you have to do it otherwise. This way you would remain totally uninfluenced by the problems you have no control of and you would enjoy peace and happiness.


The pomodoro method is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.The pomodoro method uses a timer of about 25 to 45 minutes after which you get to reward yourself with a 5 minute break .Each interval is known as Pomodoro. The technique has been widely used , now even apps and websites provide the timer required for it.  The timer allows you get things done rather than feeling like you have endless time to finish it. Additionally, the forced breaks help to cure that burnt-out feeling most of us experience toward the end of the day.
Follow the following steps:
1- Decide a specific thing you want to focus on. 
2- Estimate the time required for the task.
3- Set a timer , accordingly.
4- End with the timer.
5- The 25 or 45 method should be spent without any distraction otherwise the whole 25 or 45 minute process should be repeated.
6- After every pomodoro give yourself a 5 minute break. 
7- After every 4 pomodoro take a longer break for about 15 to 20 minutes.

The pomodoro method allows you to work quickly as you concentrate on the timer and achieve the satisfaction of actually getting done with things and checking them out of your list. It allows you to feel much more accomplished at the end of the day as you thank yourself for not wasting 4 hours watching netflix. It  provides a sense of being organized which is necessary to accomplish things.

Is your red my red ??? Its a question  philosophy students are frequently confronted with. When you and I look at the same red object and we both agree it's red , how do we know we're experiencing the same color?  what you experience as red can be my green. It's a fascinating question since there are so many ways to look at it. 

Most scientists would have answered that people with normal vision probably do all see the same colors. The thinking went that our brains have a default way of processing the light that hits cells in our eyes, and our perceptions of the light's color are tied to universal emotional responses. But recently, the answer has changed.

"I would say recent experiments lead us down a road to the idea that we don't all see the same colors, " Neitz said.

One person's red might be another person's blue and vice versa, the scientists said. You might really see blood as the color someone else calls blue, and the sky as someone else's red.

Its Impossible to know but it's an interesting question and might answer why we like different colors. We can agree on that an object is red but we might perceive the  colors differently.

Scientists believe that color perception may not be predetermined like many have believed for hundreds of years. 

 Back masking known as backward masking, is the theory and  practice of planting and disclosing  messages into or from  music. In cases of back masking, the hidden messages can only be heard  when the music is played in reverse. Some people believe that the messages are not perceived consciously when the music is played normally. Instead, they are absorbed sub consciously. They work through a process in which external sensory stimuli work to trigger reactions without us noticing the signals. As I have mentioned before they can be evil as well as good. Subliminals can programme your mind as you absorb everything what is told.

By listening to some Hollywood songs back words you will get to know what they are trying to communicate into your mind. This is happening in the music industry on a big scale.

Back masking was first introduced by a band known as THE BEATLES in 1966.Its purpose was to convey the messages that cant be said directly, Basically censor messages and this was known as art. 

It is said that many famous musician nowadays use these subliminals in their songs which is corrupting everyone's mind who listens to it. It includes Justin Bieber, Hannah montena, Johns brothers, Rihanna, Briteny spears and many more whose songs are filled with satanic messages.

You can see it in a lot of YouTube videos.

 Sublimals can be used effectively. They are used today for many purposes like  lose weight, increase height, get clear skin, increase focus ,hair growth , removing acne you name it., Now I'm not really sure if they work or if they are safe to use but there are many youtubers who have experimented using subliminals for various changes.

 It is also said that you can also listen to  subliminals on repeat, in your sleep. With minimal effort, you can turn your 6-8 hours of sleep window into a personal development seminar.By exposing your brain to subliminal messages, it’s easy to invest 1/3 of your day to eliminate the most stubborn issues you’re dealing with and get rid of the toxic inner voices.With only a few moments in, you’ll start to feel the stress leaving your body and immerse yourself in pure relaxation.

Review: "I remember when I first started using them, I no longer had to drag myself out of bed unwillingly. I just got up with tons of energy, without hitting the snooze button."

In short, it appears that subliminal messaging works best when it taps into an existing desire. "If we're not currently experiencing whatever kind of need or goal the subliminal message taps into, it probably won't be very effective," Zimmerman said. When subliminal influences do occur, they don't last long.

Now Different people have different views about whether usage of subliminals is a sin. Some of them say that its not a sin but definitely not worth using as it doesn't help.

Any sensory stimuli below an individual threshold for conscious perception. Basically they are messages that stays below your consciousness are subliminals. They are hidden messages that can be detected with your subconscious mind but not your conscious mind. Your subconscious grasps everything that's mentioned and effecting you accordingly.
So your brain has billions of neurons and they are connected in 3 dimensional patterns. Each have possibility to connect to other hundreds of other neurons and every connection is something new that you learn. Basically your exposed to so many different things and you can choose to interpret things consciously. For example I'm just looking at the laptop and writing this but I am seeing everything but only processing specific parts of it but I'm subconsciously aware of everything. Brain only process what it think is necessary information the other information is store in your subconscious.

So where are subliminal used and for what?? Basically subliminal can be about something good or something evil. Subluminal are usually used in advertisement and songs. This have a strong effect and grasp what is offered in the subliminal. This kind of messages can be used to strengthen the persuasiveness of advertisement or to convey an altogether messages to your brain which is only detected and accepted by your subconscious without you realizing.

Well the way I see subliminal is that it can also be dangerous as it can be used to convey wrong messages which is often put into use in many songs.  New research shows that subliminal messaging is at its most powerful when it arouses a negative reaction. The result can be a subsequent influence on thoughts, behavior or actions.
Back masking can be used to detect such subliminal in a song. I will give you all adetail about back masking in my next blog.

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