Tourette syndrome is a disorder that involves repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics). Tic's typically show up between ages 2 and 15. Tics are quick and non-rhythmic movements or vocalizations that happen over and over. The fact that these movements are repeated in inappropriate conditions is why they are considered abnormal. It has to be repetitive (over and over ) , stereotyped ( happens the same way each time) and also involuntary (incontrollable). Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop Tourette syndrome.
Tourette syndrome diagnostic criteria include :
-2 distinct motor tics and 1 vocal tic present at some point though not necessarily at the same time.
-Tics must be present for 1 year and before age 18.
The exact cause of Tourette syndrome is unknow , however scientists have found genetic (or inherited) and environmental links . More specifically, there are genetic combinations that lead to the abnormal development of certain brain areas like the basal ganglia and frontal cortex , which also has atypical connections to one another. In addition, disturbances in certain neurotransmitters systems like dopamine and serotonin lead to communication problems between nerve cells. Collectively, these abnormalities lead to an uncomfortable feeling in a body part, known as a premonitory urge ,that the person with Tourette gets rid of by ticking.
Although there's no cure for Tourette syndrome, treatments are available. Many people with Tourette syndrome don't need treatment when symptoms aren't troublesome. Tics often lessen or become controlled after the teen years.
Here is a video explaining how life is for someone suffering with severe Tourette syndrome.