If someone is born with a disease,normally it is a problem for them because they cannot live a normal life.But there are some people in this world who have diseases which give them superpowers. However they don't harm the person but makes them even stronger.We will discuss 5 of these diseases which are almost like superpowers.
1-Myostatin -related muscle hypertrophy;.A child named lioum who was living in America had this disease.The doctors couldnt identify what was wrong with the child.By the age of 3 he used to lift dumbbells weighing 5 pounds. He could even do chin ups which at that age most children couldn't. He had 40 percent more mass than normal kids do.But he didnt had any negative effects on his body.This disease was first time seen on a Belgian blue cattle cow.The muscles of the cow were growing really fast.
2-Totally fearless;Living without any fear is a fear itself.But this is the case with a boy named Jordiac.He had to go through an operation due to some bone problem.During his operation, the doctors took his Adrenalin glands.This is the gland that makes us realize that we are not safe and sends our brain message according to the situation.This is the reason Jordiac never felt scared of anything in his life.
3-Hyperthymesia;In this disease the patient have stronger neutrons and can remember everything happened in their past.The people who have this disease never forget what they see even if they see it once.This disease is discovered in 8 people all over the world.
4-No feel of pain;People with this disease don't feel any pain.Only 40 people in this world have this disease.Actually because of problem in structure of neurons the message of pain can't be send to the brain.
5-Savant Syndrome;After damaging the person this disease gives them something extra ordinary.People who have this disease are mostly really good at music,arts,mathematical calculations and graphic designing.The people who have this disease have an extra ordinary brain.A British artist named Stephen Wiltshire has this disease.He was given a helicopter ride over London just once after which he made a 3D model of London with only his memory and skills.

RFID refers to Radio Frequency Identification. RFID is a technology working on radio frequency of radio waves.This technology is used to automatically identify or track the objects.The object could be books of library or any item which your purchasing from a shop.Not only objects but also animals.Pet owners use these RFID chips to identify their cats and dogs.The first use of RFID chip was in the 1940s to identify and differentiate military aircraft.It is still used by the military as well as for the commercial airplanes.It can be used for automatic payment method.It can be used as student id card,passports,payment cards.It was also used for tracking packages and to prevent theft.In this RFID technology the RFID tag get attached to the object you want to track so whenever this object is in the range of the reader then the RFID tag gives signal to the reader.So it is very similar to the bar code technology.But in the case of bar code the object and the scanner should be in a line of sight.As this RFID is not a line of sight technology so as far as the object is in the range of the reader,the object is able to identify the reader and send feedback.Using this RFID technology we can even track multiple objects at the same time.
Some people have been implanting RFID chip under their skin and program them in order to perform different tasks.Colin Corvino a smartphone repair men uses his chip to open his house front door.Some people use their chips as boarding passes and some use it as a method of payment.
Basically from a long time people started to observe that some apps have started leaking their data or were misusing it.It could be very dangerous.The ministry of information technology using section 69 A have banned some apps in India.The reason given by the ministry of information technology was "they were engaged in activities prejudicial to sovereignty and integrity of India,defense of India,security of state and public order".Let me explain, they said that the apps were promoting things against the culture of India and as a country it harms India.Some of the apps were Tik tok,share it,kwai,UC browser,clash of kings,likee,helo,cm browser,club factory,UCnews,bigo live,virus cleaner,newsdog,we chat,selfie city,Mi community,QQmail,QQmusic,Romewe,beauty plus,weibo,xender,mail master,vigo video,vault,camscanner,V Mate and many more.
People using these apps in India should delete these apps.The government has taken a very big step and without any reason they wouldn't.
      The people using these apps even if they are not in India should delete them because it is said that these applications are promoting racism and abuse even if you are a big consumer of this app.It is very easy to control audience through these apps.One of the trending videos on Tik Tok were promoting racism through a filter turning black complexion people to white.
These apps leaks your data and when half of the people in this world views them, they can definitely misuse it.At this time everyone should be responsible enough and delete these apps from your mobiles and guide your parents and family member about the disadvantages of these applications.

As you all know that this world is controlled by some powerful secret societies.Either it is business,politics or entertainment industries.They are every where and try to control the world by their own rules.Secret societies are societies that are kept secret and the people indulged in it are not allowed to expose it.One of the most popular secret society is Illuminati. It is said to have started in Germany by a professor.The people indulged in this society are the most successful people in the world. The society follows things which is appreciated by Satan. The people of Illuminati claims that they have some special knowledge that no one else have in this world and that makes them different from other people .So the question is what is that special knowledge that no one else have?The answer is not confirmed  because these things are kept secret by the society.But it is said that they have knowledge of black magic.It is also said that through this black magic every impossible thing can be made possible.
What was the purpose of making Illuminati?Illuminati is an anti religion secret society which is against all religions and these people don't believe in any gods.The purpose of Illuminati is to stop people from practicing any religion and to make this world religion free.To reduce the population and to remove nationalism is also the purpose of Illuminati.They also want to make illegal things legal that includes the usage of drugs.The alarming thing is they are very close to accomplish their purpose.The society wants to have a central government.Promoting Satan is also one of the major purpose of this society.How does this society operates?There are two ways.Firstly,the society buy people and make them work for their purpose.Secondly,is the agreement ,this agreement is made between people who wants to be famous.The agreement buys people for their purpose and in return these people are paid and made successful.Rumors are that some of the US president are working for Illuminati including Donald trump.It is also said that some of the most famous Hollywood actors are part of this society. Some singers are also working for Illuminati including lady gaga and Justin bieber. These singers use some symbol of Illuminati which is the evidence of these singers working for it. 1% of the world is working for Illuminati and these are the richest and most successful people in the world right now.The people working for Illuminati includes;bank owners,politicians,educationists and people who control the TV media around the world.The purpose of these people is to control the world and they are also working for something they call the new world order.
The most used symbol is the all seeing eye.This symbol is the trade mark.The second most used is owl.Here are some other used symbols of Illuminati which you all should have seen some actors or singers use before.
Illuminati's biggest danger is Islam because Muslims are very practicing and they strongly believe in their religion.We need to be strong with our religion and get more knowledge of our religion .So none of these societies could be able to provoke us.
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