As you all know that this world is controlled by some powerful secret societies.Either it is business,politics or entertainment industries.They are every where and try to control the world by their own rules.Secret societies are societies that are kept secret and the people indulged in it are not allowed to expose it.One of the most popular secret society is Illuminati. It is said to have started in Germany by a professor.The people indulged in this society are the most successful people in the world. The society follows things which is appreciated by Satan. The people of Illuminati claims that they have some special knowledge that no one else have in this world and that makes them different from other people .So the question is what is that special knowledge that no one else have?The answer is not confirmed  because these things are kept secret by the society.But it is said that they have knowledge of black magic.It is also said that through this black magic every impossible thing can be made possible.
What was the purpose of making Illuminati?Illuminati is an anti religion secret society which is against all religions and these people don't believe in any gods.The purpose of Illuminati is to stop people from practicing any religion and to make this world religion free.To reduce the population and to remove nationalism is also the purpose of Illuminati.They also want to make illegal things legal that includes the usage of drugs.The alarming thing is they are very close to accomplish their purpose.The society wants to have a central government.Promoting Satan is also one of the major purpose of this society.How does this society operates?There are two ways.Firstly,the society buy people and make them work for their purpose.Secondly,is the agreement ,this agreement is made between people who wants to be famous.The agreement buys people for their purpose and in return these people are paid and made successful.Rumors are that some of the US president are working for Illuminati including Donald trump.It is also said that some of the most famous Hollywood actors are part of this society. Some singers are also working for Illuminati including lady gaga and Justin bieber. These singers use some symbol of Illuminati which is the evidence of these singers working for it. 1% of the world is working for Illuminati and these are the richest and most successful people in the world right now.The people working for Illuminati includes;bank owners,politicians,educationists and people who control the TV media around the world.The purpose of these people is to control the world and they are also working for something they call the new world order.
The most used symbol is the all seeing eye.This symbol is the trade mark.The second most used is owl.Here are some other used symbols of Illuminati which you all should have seen some actors or singers use before.
Illuminati's biggest danger is Islam because Muslims are very practicing and they strongly believe in their religion.We need to be strong with our religion and get more knowledge of our religion .So none of these societies could be able to provoke us.
The internet is much,much bigger than you realize.A normal person can only access 4% of the internet which is visible to them.The internet is divided into 3 layers;surface web,deep web,dark web.The surface web is used by normal people like you and me.The deep web is usually used for government and academic information.The dark web is used by hackers and are used for other illegal activities. Dark web is the world wide web that is only accessible by means of special software and only allowing users and website operators to remain anonymous.The dark web is a subset of the deep web.The dark web was created by the US government in order to allow spies to exchange information completely anonymously.The dark web hides things including identities and actions.The dark web also prevents people to know who you are,what you are doing and where you are doing it.
The dark web exists on dark nets, which are “overlay networks”. They’re build on top of the normal Internet, but they require special software to access, so they aren’t normally visible or accessible to people who aren’t in the know.
Dark nets hide websites that don’t want to be on the normal internet,where they can be tracked down. These websites comprise what’s known as the dark web.
One of the most widely known examples of a dark website was Silk Road, a huge black market website where drugs were offered for sale, with payments made in Bitcoin and drugs mailed to buyers through the postal system.
It’s worth noting that not everything you see on the dark web is legitimate most of it might not be, especially the more extreme listings. Are the criminal services and products advertised real, or do they just exist to scam people out of their money? Perhaps some of them are traps laid by the authorities to catch people who try to hire assassins, buy weapons, or acquire counterfeit currency.
What do u find on dark web;
  • The Dark-web usually contains illegal sites. Almost every illegal things happen in the Dark web.
  • Websites in the Dark web have an extension “.onion” which are not accessible by search engines.
  • There are many hacking websites available in the Dark web.
  • These websites can only be accessed by special websites eg;Tor website
  • Every transaction in the Dark web happens in the form of Bit-Coins.'
  • hiring of hit man
  • creating fake passports and documents.
  • stolen credit cards information
  • videos of people getting tortured.
  • secret books
  • old secrets
  • dead people
  • Another part of dark web is the red rooms which contains live video of cutting and torturing people to death.Not only that but the people watching live pay to watch it and of course they are people with sick mental health.The money is paid in the form of bitcoins basically bitcoin is an online crypto currency that is not controlled or traced by government.The people who sell and buy drugs have these bit coins.In order to enter the red room you recieve a link and money is already taken from you before you enter the room
    .Why do people use Dark web?If you’re in a oppressive country and want to access social networking or news websites that are blocked or censored by your government, the dark web will be useful to you. If you’re a whistle blower and you need to leak documents to the media while maintaining your anonymity, that might be another good reason to visit the seedy underbelly of the web.There’s a lot of nasty stuff on the dark web even if a good amount of what you’ll find there are scams. Journalists and activists also use the dark web to avoid being traced by  governments or other actors that might want to harm them.However, the dark web is also being used for many other activities that are mostly legitimate (though not necessarily legal, depending on your perspective). 
    Edward Snow-den, the famous whistle blower who exposed the U.S. government’s mass surveillance program, used the dark web to send information to reporters and media outlets.In countries where the government restricts access to specific websites and social media networks such as FacebookTwitter, and YouTube, dark web tools can help circumvent censorship.
Most mental development happens up to 2 years.If children starts to engage their time watching television or mobile phones before 2 years then it would cause them to avoid physical contact and learning.I myself have observed parents giving their mobiles to their children less than 2 years old so that they may sit quietly at the side and parents can enjoy their talk.This is completely wrong.The parents should give time to their children and engage them in healthy activities rather than handing them phones.
The children above 2 year should have a supervised screen time of 1 hour.The most important thing is not only the screen time but also about what the screen time is spend on.If your child is spending his/her screen time on doing or learning something creative than it is known as the quality of screen time which i reckon is probably the best use of screen for kids.Here are some things children can watch to utilize screen for the best purpose;watch informative videos,do online courses and learn new things through YouTube. Give your children a time limit because too much screen is not good for children's both mental and physical health.These are some affects of watching too much screen on kids;Obesity,eyesight problems,headaches,sleep problems and many more.It is parents responsibility to supervise screen time for kids and keep check on what they are watching on the screens.Here are some ways to keep check on them;preview program,discuss digital safety,block inappropriate websites and content.
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