Screen time for kids under 2 years

Most mental development happens up to 2 years.If children starts to engage their time watching television or mobile phones before 2 years then it would cause them to avoid physical contact and learning.I myself have observed parents giving their mobiles to their children less than 2 years old so that they may sit quietly at the side and parents can enjoy their talk.This is completely wrong.The parents should give time to their children and engage them in healthy activities rather than handing them phones.
The children above 2 year should have a supervised screen time of 1 hour.The most important thing is not only the screen time but also about what the screen time is spend on.If your child is spending his/her screen time on doing or learning something creative than it is known as the quality of screen time which i reckon is probably the best use of screen for kids.Here are some things children can watch to utilize screen for the best purpose;watch informative videos,do online courses and learn new things through YouTube. Give your children a time limit because too much screen is not good for children's both mental and physical health.These are some affects of watching too much screen on kids;Obesity,eyesight problems,headaches,sleep problems and many more.It is parents responsibility to supervise screen time for kids and keep check on what they are watching on the screens.Here are some ways to keep check on them;preview program,discuss digital safety,block inappropriate websites and content.

1 comment:

  1. Please write a blog on how your phone spies on you?
    and i really like your blogs keep it up


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