Effective scheduling tactic (difference b/w what's important and what's urgent)

For effective time management , you must be aware of the difference between what's urgent and what's important. In simple words "have to do" and "want to do". Urgent means it requires immediate attention. Urgent things act on us.

Important , on the other hand, has to do with results. We usually react to urgent matters. However, important matters are not urgent and require more proactivity,

There are people who spend a great deal of time in what's "urgent", but not important. They spend most of their times reacting to things that are urgent, assuming they are also important.

People who spend their time on what's not important but urgent or not important nor urgent lead irresponsible lives.

The best way to lead an effective life is to maintain a balance in what u want to do and what u have to do. Suppose you have 6 things in your to-do list , I suggest 3 of them should be dealing with what's urgent whereas the other 3 should be regarding what's important, which basically depends on your priorities. This way you would see a very positive affect on your life and you would see yourself investing your time and energy on something you want to do, this would give you the fulfilling sense of achievement at the end of the day.

-Also referred by Stephen R. Covey in his novel "7 habits of highly effective people".


How to life a happy life ? true happiness?

True happiness is enjoying your own company and living in peace and harmony with your body, mind and soul. True happiness is state of mind constantly being in love with yourself. For being truly happy you neither need other people nor materialistic things. 

Happiness is the consequence of personal effort".

In order to achieve it you do not need to depend on anyone or anything. Its something you create yourself.

How to be happy when nothing is going right ? The true peace and happiness is only achieved when you are peaceful inside however it doesn't require things to go completely right. In these situations you should focus on the positives and practice gratitude. Once you start being grateful for little things, trust me you will be much happier in your life.

Also, always remember that you are in complete control of your thoughts and feelings. Nothing can affect you until you allow it to do so!!

You might have experienced worrying in some situation although you know that it wont help in solving it. In that situations try to be calm and try to solve the problem effectively. However if its something that you have no control over , then adapt to it happily because you have to do it otherwise. This way you would remain totally uninfluenced by the problems you have no control of and you would enjoy peace and happiness.



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