Time management technique -for students

The pomodoro method is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s.The pomodoro method uses a timer of about 25 to 45 minutes after which you get to reward yourself with a 5 minute break .Each interval is known as Pomodoro. The technique has been widely used , now even apps and websites provide the timer required for it.  The timer allows you get things done rather than feeling like you have endless time to finish it. Additionally, the forced breaks help to cure that burnt-out feeling most of us experience toward the end of the day.
Follow the following steps:
1- Decide a specific thing you want to focus on. 
2- Estimate the time required for the task.
3- Set a timer , accordingly.
4- End with the timer.
5- The 25 or 45 method should be spent without any distraction otherwise the whole 25 or 45 minute process should be repeated.
6- After every pomodoro give yourself a 5 minute break. 
7- After every 4 pomodoro take a longer break for about 15 to 20 minutes.

The pomodoro method allows you to work quickly as you concentrate on the timer and achieve the satisfaction of actually getting done with things and checking them out of your list. It allows you to feel much more accomplished at the end of the day as you thank yourself for not wasting 4 hours watching netflix. It  provides a sense of being organized which is necessary to accomplish things.


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