Is your red my red???

Is your red my red ??? Its a question  philosophy students are frequently confronted with. When you and I look at the same red object and we both agree it's red , how do we know we're experiencing the same color?  what you experience as red can be my green. It's a fascinating question since there are so many ways to look at it. 

Most scientists would have answered that people with normal vision probably do all see the same colors. The thinking went that our brains have a default way of processing the light that hits cells in our eyes, and our perceptions of the light's color are tied to universal emotional responses. But recently, the answer has changed.

"I would say recent experiments lead us down a road to the idea that we don't all see the same colors, " Neitz said.

One person's red might be another person's blue and vice versa, the scientists said. You might really see blood as the color someone else calls blue, and the sky as someone else's red.

Its Impossible to know but it's an interesting question and might answer why we like different colors. We can agree on that an object is red but we might perceive the  colors differently.

Scientists believe that color perception may not be predetermined like many have believed for hundreds of years. 


what is Back Masking??

 Back masking known as backward masking, is the theory and  practice of planting and disclosing  messages into or from  music. In cases of back masking, the hidden messages can only be heard  when the music is played in reverse. Some people believe that the messages are not perceived consciously when the music is played normally. Instead, they are absorbed sub consciously. They work through a process in which external sensory stimuli work to trigger reactions without us noticing the signals. As I have mentioned before they can be evil as well as good. Subliminals can programme your mind as you absorb everything what is told.

By listening to some Hollywood songs back words you will get to know what they are trying to communicate into your mind. This is happening in the music industry on a big scale.

Back masking was first introduced by a band known as THE BEATLES in 1966.Its purpose was to convey the messages that cant be said directly, Basically censor messages and this was known as art. 

It is said that many famous musician nowadays use these subliminals in their songs which is corrupting everyone's mind who listens to it. It includes Justin Bieber, Hannah montena, Johns brothers, Rihanna, Briteny spears and many more whose songs are filled with satanic messages.

You can see it in a lot of YouTube videos.


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