The marshmallow test

 The Marshmallow test has helped stimulate a remarkable wave of research on self-control. The MARSHMALLOW TEST  in which a child is asked to choose between a larger treat such as two marshmallows and a smaller treat such as one marshmallow.The child learns that to obtain that treat it is necessary to wait for the experimenter to return.Thus, the smaller treat is available now, but the larger treat requires waiting. To get the larger treat the child must resist the temptation to get an immediate

That experimental situation has proven very useful both in demonstrating the importance of the ability to delay gratification and in identifying strategies that make it possible for children to delay gratification. Children who were best able to wait in that situation are more socially and academically successful .The situation  also revealed that middle and high school students who can wait a week for a reward earn higher grades, show less problem behaviour in school, and are less likely to use cigarettes, or drugs.


Saviour sibling

 Thalassemia is a blood disorder passed down through families (inherited) in which body makes an abnormal form and lack haemoglobin. However, haemoglobin is a red pigment (protein) in red blood cells that transports oxygen around the body. The disorder results in large number of (RBC) being destroyed , which leads to anemia.

The treatment for Thalassemia major involves lifelong regular blood transfusion. But the only medical cure for homozygous Thalassemia is to transplant bone marrow from an HLA- identical donor who is normal or capable of producing and maintaining a normal haemoglobin level in the recipient.

The doctor makes a small incision, and inserts a needle through the bone and into the bone marrow. Using a syringe attached to the needle, the doctor withdraws a sample of liquid portion of bone marrow. You may feel a brief sharp pain or stinging.

Recently in India , baby Kavya, a year old girl bone marrow was transplanted to her brother who was suffering from Thalassemia major.This is the first case in India when an HLA matching  baby was born through IVF specifically to save the Thalassemia major sibling. She successfully saved her brothers life but risked her own. She went through a lot of pain and began to feel weak.Baby is now known as the India’s first saviour sibling.

My question from you is : A country which already lacks implementation of law and regulation especially connected to the medical procedures should be encouraged for such treatments ????????????????

Is it ethical to bring a child to life just to save his/ her sibling and risk the their own lives ?????????????   

Is it ethical to make a minor go through such a painful procedure???????? And without their consent ?????


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