How your phones spies on you

In an evil film if an evil corporation or government want to follow you they slip a tracking device onto your car or shoes etc. Of course now we carry smartphones everywhere.A personal GPS beacon makes it easier for people to know what your up to whether that's your mum,your friend or your boss.And not just google know where you are right now but also where you have been over the past week, over the past month or the past year and how long you have been there.This could have a massive impact on your life.

Lets start with the IPhone. This screen on your Iphone available in the settings app of your phone shows where you have been in the past few days.Try it for yourself.Many apps want your location too and you can't necessarily trust what they say they are doing.For example in April 2014 snap chat was told off by the US federal trade commission because they were sucking people's location without their consent and its exactly the same on googles phone.A free app called brightest flashlight on android demanded access to your location.People assumed it was something to do with knowing if it was dark where you were. In fact it was to serve location-based ads.The FTC wrapped them for deceptive practices too.And apps just don't only want your location they want access to your contacts,your calendar,your microphone,the phone's camera and even email so they can build their social networks,Salyut targeted ads or simply sell that data to another company and who knows where it will be used.


Weird things happened to people who visited the dark web

Today I am going to share weird experiences of people that took place when they entered the Dark Web.
One of them said:
                     "Someone told me i could find anything i want on the Dark Web, i was looking for Cher Concert Bootlegs and all i found was drugs".
Another one said:
                     "I found a site on Dark Web where I found a comprehensive guide on how to cock women".
 Some one said: 
                      "I found comic books,still in plastic sealing,perfectly legit except the entire back page directly inside the cover was a sheet of LSD".
Another one told:
                        "I downloaded TOR and within 20 minutes i got a phone call but there was no one there and it hung up after 10 seconds".
A guy said: 
               "I found someone selling a "wish pill".Basically you take the pill and its supposed to make your wish come true".
Someone told: 
                   "I was going through the dark web and i was searching for games when i found a game called "SAD SATAN" Basically your character navigates a maze of super creepy long hallways, occasionally encountering seemingly random black and white photos".
Another one told:
                         "The Dark Web is filled with scammers first they pose a deal,accept your bitcoin and never deliver your drugs".


Why doesn't the government print money and get rich?

Have you ever wonder why our government or state bank of Pakistan cannot print currency and get rich and easily remove poverty?
We will find the answer to that but lets first discuss what currency actually is.In past people used barter system.But because this system was not that reliable so gold coins were invented to use as a way to exchange after which paper currency was invented.The bank told people to give their gold coins to them and recieve paper money which they would be able to use as a currency.
Today the government is free and can print as much many as they want to but why they dont?Let me give you an example,so in 2002 Zimbabwe's president thought that he had to pay the pending money so why not he print money and pay the pending money.At the start of 2008 everyone in the country was a millionaire and because having this much money no one was willing to work.Obviously if someone would have that much many why would they go to work and tire themselves.This resulted in reduction in the production and the prices increased after every 24 hours.The demand of things were high and production was low.The prices were this much high that the government had to print notes of 100 trillion.To buy a bread people used to pay a car full of money.The currency value dropped.After which the government told people to burn all the money they had because there was no value of that money.They started to use foreign currencies like dollar and euros and it is still used today.If a country prints more money it would result in inflation.That is the reason why banks print a limited amount of money.


Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is a momentary alertness but loss of voluntary muscle that occurs when your just about to sleep or when your about to wake up.It can last anywhere from 20 seconds to a few minutes and it affects about 8% of the general population.There are two types of sleep paralysis: Hypnagogic and Hypnapompic. Some of the common sensations and emotions associated with sleep paralysis are:an awareness of the surroundings but inability to move,a sense of physical weight and pressure on chest,difficulty breathing or a choking feeling,hallucinations or a sensed presence,a sense of fear or dread.Some people even describe hearing footsteps getting closer,seeing intruders,demons and spirits and feeling as if they are about to die.
Although there is no physical danger to the person experiencing sleep paralysis.They cannot pull themselves out of it and must wait for it to pass.
Sleep paralysis is different from nightmares or night terrors and that the brain is awake but the body is in a sleep state and cannot move.The most interesting thing is that it dates back to the 10th century.In fact people from many cultures have used sleep paralysis as a way to explain supernatural events and beings such as witchcraft,ghosts and alien abduction.


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