Pandemics (part 1)

A pandemic is an epidemic of diseases that has spread across a large region for instance multiple continents,or even worldwide.The most recent pandemics is Covid 19 that has caused a lot of deaths. Covid 19 is not the only pandemic that has occurred in the history.History has witness pandemics that were even more dangerous,lasted for a long time and caused high death trolls.The biggest pandemic on record was the 1918 Spanish influenza,lasting from January 1918 to December 1920.It infected 50 million people,about a quarter of world's population at that time.
Plague of Justinian 541
Black Death 1346-1350
Cholera 899-923
Spanish flu 1918-1920
Asian flu  1957-1958
Hong Kong flu 1968-1969
Ebola 1976
Avian flu  2009
Corona virus 2020
are pandemics that occurred in the history.
Lock down,social distancing and high death trolls are some circumstances that are similar in almost all of the pandemics. Pandemics result in countless changes to our daily life, with schools being closed, travel being upended and sporting events being canceled or postponed.Lets take a look on what others things are affected.Concerts,sporting events,conferences are cancelled.Theme parks,restaurants,movie theaters are closed by city officials.Global brands including Nike,Addidas,IKEA etc are also facing problems because they have to close their shops or shorten their working hours. Our entertainment options are rapidly changing.The question that arises in our mind is Can pandemics be predicted?The answer is it is currently impossible to predict a pandemic,other then to suspect that there would be one.

To be continued........


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